*The Scientific Program will be published soon.

Acute Gastrointestinal System Bleedings Other than Varices
Acute Pancreatitis / Necrotizing Pancreatitis
Approach to Complicated Liver Injuries
Approach to Complicated Periampullary Area Injuries
Compartment Fasciotomy
Current Approach in Pelvic Fractures
Current Approach to Acute Diverticulitis
Current Approaches to Burns and Complicated Injuries
Current Approaches to Mass Casualties
Damage Control Laparotomy in Acute Abdomen
Damage Control Resuscitation
Damage Control Surgery
Differences between Military and Civilian Injuries
Endoscopic Interventions in Emergency Surgery and Trauma Patients
Hemostatic Agents
Intra-Abdominal Hypertension / Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Intra-Abdominal Major Vascular Injuries
Hemostatij Ajanlar
İntra-abdominal Hipertansiyon / Abdominal Kompartman Sendromu
Intra-Abdominal Major Vascular Injuries
Laparoscopic Applications in Acute Abdomen
Laparoscopic Applications in Trauma
Late Abdominal Wall Repairs in Open Abdomen
Management of Intestinal Obstructions of Benign and Malignant Etiology
Management of Trauma and Emergency Surgery Patients Using Anticoagulants, Antiplatelets, and New Generation Oral Anticoagulants
Medical Strategies and Organization to be Implemented During Military Conflict
Medico-Legal Session
Mesenteric Ischemia
Nutritional Support in Emergency Surgery and Trauma Patients
Pitfalls and Common Mistakes in Penetrating Thoracoabdominal Injuries
Planning for Actions Before, During, and After a Disaster
R&D and Innovation for Trauma Cases
Resuscitative Thoracotomy
Shelter Surgery
Trauma Prevention
Travmatik Arrest ve Resüsitatif Torakotomi
Traumatic Arrest and Resuscitative Thoracotomy
Use of Blood and Blood Products in Trauma Patients
Use of Energy Devices and Staplers in Emergency Surgery and Trauma Patients
Use of REBOA in Cases with Trunk Injuries
War Surgery
What has Changed in the Initial Approach to Trauma Patient?
Young Surgeons Compete